Tuesday 8 March 2011

Taget 3 Done!!

I have now completed task three of beginning a loose script for the voice over (dialog) for actors to read from. I have included the Bad History game concept and story prologue with the script and also images of area's for inspiration and feel.

Brief :

You are tasked with the voice over for the main character of a video game in which you should act out a loose script provided which can be modified if felt necessary. There are three scenarios which you will need to voice over and the key concern is to convey the characters emotions.

Character :

21 years of age
The character is a loud, confident show off in public and around friends but really is the exact opposite on his own; he can easily get scared.

Scenarios &Script:

[1] Nathan leaves the room with the open window and ventures into the next room and as he gets to the centre of the room he hears a door slam shut. He spins around and see’s the door to the room he had just left is shut with no door handle; he’s not getting out of the house this way!
“What the” (talking to himself).
“Oh fuck; guys open the door I know it’s you” (talking to his friends).
Realising no one is there.
“How am I going to get out of here now” (talking to himself).
Desperate sigh
“I have a bad feeling about this” (talking to himself).
“Better find another way out” (talking to himself).

[2] Nathan is now walking down a dark corridor a little scared when he hears the sound of something heavy falling down somewhere in front of him.
“Shit “(quietly talking to his self).
“Somebody’s in here? Shit” (quietly talking to his self and breathing heavy).
“What do I do, fuck, fuck” (quietly talking to his self and breathing heavy).

[3] Nathan nervously continues forward; he needs to find a way out and as he gets to a set of stairs on his left; he realises a wardrobe has been pushed down a flight of stairs and rests on a landing.
“What the” (quietly talking to his self and breathing heavy).
“Has this just happened? My bad feeling just got worse” (quietly talking to his self and breathing heavy).
“I’ve got to get out of here” (whispering).