Wednesday 30 March 2011

More Loose Pages and Book Added!!

I have built another book and some pages and imported them into UDK and placed them in my level and I think it looks alot better for it.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Target 8 Done!!

I have now imported them and the textures into UDK and placed them in my level. I think that it is begining to look better but I think I should do aleast one more book and some more loose pages.
I have now completed task eight of building another book and some loose pages for the living room of my level.

Monday 28 March 2011

Tagret 7 Done!!

I have imported the bookcase, first book and textures into UDK and placed them in my level.
I have now completed task seven of building and texturing a bookcase and the first book for my level.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Target 6 Done!!

I have imported the fire place and it texture into UDK and placed it within my level.
I have now completed task six of building and texturing the main fire place for the Living room.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Getting The First Trigger Event Draft Done In UDK!!

In the video there's seems to be a tinny sound to the heart beat but this is because of the compression to the video to be uploaded to my blog and is not a true reflection of the audio.

I then recorded the played trigger event with Fraps as evidence that it works in my level; however the sound is only a rough draft and not the end piece as this is just a test.

I put all the pieces of audio together in Adobe Audtion and did a rough draft if you will of the piece of sound to be played on the trigger event and exported it making sure it was a 16 bit wav file. I then imported it in to UDK and set up a trigger, Kismet and a Matinee to make sure I could do this.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Actors Auditioned and Recorded!!

Working with the script I had given to the actors me and the lecturer began to record the dialog needed for my level trigger events in the sound studio. We had two actors who read the script for us so we had two voices to choose from. One of them had better emotion in his voice but I decided for now to use the voice actor that had better pace.

Friday 18 March 2011

Task 5 Done!!

I have completed task five of finding a solution to changing the player height.
Using this article:

I went into this folder and accessed this file:
UDK-2010-05\Development\Src\UTGame\Classes UTPawn.uc
I changed these settings:


I found though that the player when walking now does not play the footsteps sound while walking.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Trigger Event Sounds Recorded!!

Working closely with a lecturer we created the sounds needed the trigger events for my level.
We used Kyma to get the sound of the heart beat and also did a version with the heart beat slowing. We than recorded the sound of doors slamming shut and slid a plinth down the stairs to get the sound of the wardrobe sliding down the stairs and recorded it.
We then began to edit and add some effects to the noises in Adobe Audition and created some of the sound bites I needed.

Friday 11 March 2011

Target 4 Done!!

The model and texture for the sleeping bag is now imported and placed in UDK.

I have now completed task four of building and texturing a sleeping bag for my level. It is one of the assets which the character is allowed to take into the property.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Taget 3 Done!!

I have now completed task three of beginning a loose script for the voice over (dialog) for actors to read from. I have included the Bad History game concept and story prologue with the script and also images of area's for inspiration and feel.

Brief :

You are tasked with the voice over for the main character of a video game in which you should act out a loose script provided which can be modified if felt necessary. There are three scenarios which you will need to voice over and the key concern is to convey the characters emotions.

Character :

21 years of age
The character is a loud, confident show off in public and around friends but really is the exact opposite on his own; he can easily get scared.

Scenarios &Script:

[1] Nathan leaves the room with the open window and ventures into the next room and as he gets to the centre of the room he hears a door slam shut. He spins around and see’s the door to the room he had just left is shut with no door handle; he’s not getting out of the house this way!
“What the” (talking to himself).
“Oh fuck; guys open the door I know it’s you” (talking to his friends).
Realising no one is there.
“How am I going to get out of here now” (talking to himself).
Desperate sigh
“I have a bad feeling about this” (talking to himself).
“Better find another way out” (talking to himself).

[2] Nathan is now walking down a dark corridor a little scared when he hears the sound of something heavy falling down somewhere in front of him.
“Shit “(quietly talking to his self).
“Somebody’s in here? Shit” (quietly talking to his self and breathing heavy).
“What do I do, fuck, fuck” (quietly talking to his self and breathing heavy).

[3] Nathan nervously continues forward; he needs to find a way out and as he gets to a set of stairs on his left; he realises a wardrobe has been pushed down a flight of stairs and rests on a landing.
“What the” (quietly talking to his self and breathing heavy).
“Has this just happened? My bad feeling just got worse” (quietly talking to his self and breathing heavy).
“I’ve got to get out of here” (whispering).

Saturday 5 March 2011

Target 2 Done!!

For the last trigger event the player will see the after effect of the previous event and put two and two together ; think that this has just happened and realise some one or something is in the property with him. The sounds needed for this trigger will be:
1. Heart beat.
2. A voice over.

For the next trigger event the player will be walking down the corridor when he hears in front of him some heavy falling. The sounds needed for this trigger will be:
1. Wardrobe falling + then draw falling and sliding.
2. Heart beat.
3. A voice over.

Again these sounds will be put together in one track.

I have decided that when the player leaves the first room with the open window and ventures into the next room the door will slam behind him. The door has no handle so the player is now not getting out the way he had come in to the property. The sounds needed for this trigger will be:
1. A door slam.
2. A voice over.
3. A heart beat.

These sounds once recorded will be put together into one track in Adobe Audtion and exported as a 16 bit wav for UDK import.

I have now completed task two of beginning the design of the trigger events and the first stages of sound design.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Target 1 Done!!

I have now completed task one of beginning the main menu theme tune collaboration with a musician friend.

I sent him this brief via email:

John Cartwright
Music Technology (Audio Systems)
London Metropolitan University
Sound Brief:
You are tasked first with making a musical score for a survival video game which should be loop able. The game is about a young man who is dared to stay the night in a large derelict property; equipped with only a flashlight, sleeping bag and mobile phone. The character will explore the property and soon release that he is being haunted and then is transported through eras of the property bad past. He will then be possessed and try to kill his friends that come into the house in search of him.
You are secondly tasked with making the background score for the same game which should be atmospheric to enhance the journey through the house.
You should research games of this genre e.g. silent hill, project zero etc.
From this collaboration I was emailed a few variations of the theme tune for the main menu music. I picked aspects which I liked and aspects which I didn't until we arrived at this piece that I put to a picture of a temp menu picture.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Targets set for March - April

1 Begin main menu theme tune collaboration with musician.
2 Begin design of trigger events and sound design.
3 Begin loose script for voice over( dialog)for actor.
4 Build and texture sleeping bag.
5 Find a solution to player height.
6 Build and texture main fire place for Living room.
7 Build and texture bookcase and book for living room.
8 Build another book and loose pages for the living room.