Tuesday 28 December 2010

Target 6 Done!!

I have now imported the models and textures of the Entrance Hall ornate arches and columns into UDK. I applied a 6 DOT simplified collision the the column box so the player would not be able to walk through.

I have now completed target 6 of creating the Entrance Hall ornate arches and collumns models and textures.

Friday 24 December 2010

Research & Inspiration

After designing the Study room and the Reception room I felt that they were lacking in style and period features that would be in an old house. I decided to look at the Victorian and Edwardian period to see if these kinds of interiors could give my interior designs some substance. I also looked at images of derlict buildings to get the feel of it.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Wall Paper Change In Reception Room

I felt this darker wallpaper looked alot better being more atmospheric then it's early shade.
I then applied this texture to all the difuse, specular and normal maps of the walls I had created and imported them back into UDK.
I felt that the wallpaper of the walls in the Reception room was to light in colour so I changed the image so the shade of green was alot darker and also applied a canvass texture to the image.

Monday 20 December 2010

Main Hall Tile Texture Replacement

After creating the material in UDK and applying the material to the floor of the Main Hall I felt that this was a nessacery change which looked a whole lot better.

I decided to create another texture in Photoshop using a few different images and textures to create a more realistic and interesting texture.

After applying the black and white tile material to the floor of the Main Hall I felt that it was to dull and flat.

Saturday 18 December 2010

Task 5 Done!!

I have now imported the door frame and door models and textures for the Entrance Hallway into udk.

I have now completed task 5 of creating the Entrance Hall door and door frame.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Target 4 Done!!

I have imported the 1st Reception room walls into UDK and textures to complete this room.

I have now completed task 4 of creating the 1st Reception Room walls.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Target 3 Done!!

I have imported the models and textures into UDK and placed them within my level and again used Blocking Volumes so the player can climb the stairs. For the middle landing I used a simple 6 Dot Collision so the player could walk on it.
I have now completed task 3 of creating the back stairs that again uses a number of seperate models to come together as a whole.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Flashlight Trouble Update

After asking for help on the New Media forum about my flashlight problem I was given the help to set my Flashlight up in Kismet which now works as it should.