Thursday 26 May 2011

Bad History Video on YouTube!!

I have decided to create a dvd and also I have uploaded the video on YouTube and I'm hoping for some useful feeback.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Atmospheric Sound Added And Moved!!

After user testing feedback I decided to move the first trigger that plays the atmospheric music; to the first room the player is in at the start of the demo level in front of the door. I then created a second trigger and placed it half way through the demo level to play the same piece of music. I thought that before the first two triggered events the music would play and the player would then begin to start to build association between; the music with something is about to happen.

Monday 16 May 2011

Player Height Issues!!

Again after much searching for the answer to my problem of the player height and in response to the user feedback I have found nothing that will change the player height successfully apart from what is documented earlier I my blog. So because this game concept is in first person I have decided to use blocking volumes to increase the floor height thus increasing the player height in the process. I have also had to use more blocking volumes around things like the cardboard boxes so it looks again like they can be collided with. It is a not an ideal solution and I should pay more attention to scale in the first instance before I get too far into a project in the future.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Target 3 Done!!

I have now completed task three of beginning the last user testing of the level demo and here are the comments that I recieved.
" I feel like a little mouse".
" floor size to character, too low".
" needs atmospheric music".
" footsteps does not sound right".
" footsteps sound too grassy/marshy; inside on wooden flooring".
" slant the box flaps".
" wind enviroment sound running from beginning".

Thursday 5 May 2011

Target 2 Done!!

I have now imported the radiator pipes static mesh and texture into UDK and placed them in my level.
I have now completed task two of building and texturing the radiator pipes for my level to be duplicated throughout.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Kitchen Layout Change!!

After testing out my level it was found that the kitchen part of the level did not reflect a real kitchen layout and felt wrong. I changed the layout of the kitchen to better suit a working enviroment and aslo took the recommendation to have the store room door slightly open with the chest freezer blocking the door as if someone had tried to trap something in there.

Monday 2 May 2011

Target 1 Done!!

I have now imported the radiator static mesh and it's texture into UDK level and placed it throughout my level.
I have now completed task one of building and texturing a radiator to be duplicated throughout the level.