Sunday 27 February 2011

Target 10 Done!!

I have now imported the living room walls and textures into UDK and place them in my level.

I have now completed task ten of building and texturing the living room walls for my level.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Target 9 Done!!

I have imported these assets and textures in to UDK and arranged them as if someone had been beginning ripping apart the kitchen tops.
I have now completed task nine of building and finishing the work top are in the kitchen. I built and extra work top and top corner piece and used existing legs to finish this area.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Target 8 Done!!

I have now imported these models and textures into UDK and placed collision on them then placed them in my level.

I have now complete task eight of building the sink work top, taps and legs and created textures for these kitchen assets.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Target 7 Done!!

I have imported the door frame, door and textures into UDK and placed them within my level.
I have now completed task seven of building and texturing the sliding door frame and door for my level.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Target 6 Done!!

I have imported the model and texture created into UDK and placed the box thoughtout my level.

I have now completed target six of building and texturing version one cardboard box for my level.

Monday 14 February 2011

Target 5 Done!!

I have imported my bottle and texture into UDK and placed a few of these throughout my level in some thoughtful positions.

I have complete task five of creating a beer bottle and it's texture for my level which is the first of my main objects.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Target 4 Done!!

I have now complete task four of building the armchair and it's texture which I have imported into UDK for placement.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Target 3 Done!!

I have now completed a list of level assets needed to be modelled and textured for my level; which are as follows:


Cardboard Boxes
Light Fixtures
Electric sockets
More Windows
Fire Places
Meat hooks and rail
Kitchen work area's ( sink, tops, etc).

Lamp Stand
Coat Hooks

Specials (Weapon & Defence):
Fire Blanket
Petrol Can
Fire Extinguisher (Wet Chemical - Yellow - Kitshen Fires + Co2 - black - flamable liquids - petrol and people on fire).
Walking stick

These are just some of the levels assets needed to populate the level that I need to create to make my level more realistic.

I have decided to leave the last room for now while I begin to build some of these assets.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Decal Paper Swaped for Mesh

I have imported the model and texture into UDK and replace the decal I had created earlier with my model.

I have decided to use meshes for for litter in my level instead of decals which I was having a problem with earlier. I have created a model of the old paper and texture.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Target 2 Done!!

I have now imported all the East Wing walls, panels, and textures into UDK and placed them into the level.

I have now completed task 2 of creating the walls, panels and textures for the East Wing of the level.

Friday 4 February 2011

Target 1 Done!!

Even though most of the secound floor will not be used much for the demo I felt it necessary to build the secound floor. It is seen from some position within my level demo from the ground floor; so rather than seeing a black hole so to speak I built it all. Not sure how much will actually use as yet so will leave it as it is for now and concentrate on the ground floor.
I placed the static meshes for the main stairs banister again so the player would not fall off.

I placed the static meshes for the banisters around the ballroom again so the player would not fall off.
I placed the static meshes for the banister rail in place for the back stairs so the player could not fall down here but as so it looks correct from the ground floor looking up.
I have now complete task one of building the secound floor in UDK from floor plan.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Targets set for February - March

1 Build Second Floor of the house from plans.
2 Build East Wing corridor walls and panels to finish this section.
3 List level assets needed to model and texture.
4 Build and texture an armchair.
5 Build and texture a bottle.
6 Build and texture cardboard box version 1.
7 Build and texture sliding door frame and door.
8 Build sink work top and taps for kitchen.
9 Build & Finish worktop area in kitchen.
10 Build and texture Living Room Walls.