Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Footsteps Problem Solved

After much searching I found nothing on the internet to help me solve this problem. I began to look inside UDK's Content Browser and looked for the sound package containing the right files I needed to alter. In the sound package I found the files for the characters footsteps ( A_Character_footsteps/ footsteps).
I then found the sound cue for A_Character_footstep_Default Cue and right clicked. I selected the Properties and Sound Attenuation Nodes. I then began to alter the Volume Multiplier from the default setting of 0.4000 right down to 0.5000 and save this setting in the package and it worked on turning the volume of the footstep sound in my level.
I am not sure if this is the correct way of doing this due to no docuementation but like I said it does work so I feel I have solved this problem.