Friday 28 January 2011

Blocking The Back Stairs!!

I found that after some user testing you could jump on to the banister rail and get past the wardrobe to get to the secound floor of the house that will not be done at this section of the house. So to fix this I used a blocking volume so the player can't do this.
I have now imported the models and textures into UDK and created collision the them and placed them as realistically as I could on the stairs.

I have now modelled the wardrobe again split into components e.g. main unit, door, draw so that it would be easier to texture and create collision for.

After having my progress presentation I was aware that to complete the secound floor of the house of my level would be impossible to achieve by the hand in date. I needed to come up with a way of first blocking the back stairs of so the player could not get to the secound floor of the house which will not be built.

After a conversation with lecturers I decided to block the stairs with a wardrobe that has been pushed done the stairs.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Target 7 Done!!

I have imported the big arch and it's texture into UDK and placed in my my level and applied collision to it's collums.
I have now completed task 7 of creating a big arch for the Back Stairs area and texture.

Monday 24 January 2011

Decal Learning And Problems

When I finally managed to get the decal to work there was a large black out line around it; i'm not sure why. I really need some help with creating alpha maps in photo shop because I believe the problem may lay there. I'm not really sure; it could be a setting also in UDK but can't seem to find the answer to this one ;as of yet??

I thought it would be a good idea to use decals for old news papers lying on the floor of my level to add some interest to the level.
I have been trying to learn how to create alpha maps in Photo shop and creating decals in UDK using this tutorial.

Friday 21 January 2011

Target 6 Done!!

I have now imported the models and textures into UDK to complete the Ballroom corridor section and will hust need to build windows for this section at a later date.
I have now completed task 6 of creating the Ballroom corridor walls, panels and textures.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Target 5 Done!!

I have now imported the West Wing corridor walls and textures into UDK .

I have now completed task 5 of creating the West Wing corridor walls and textures to complete this corridor.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Target 4 Done!!

I managed to complete task 4 of visiting Burton Agnes Hall; arranging by phone an appointment to go and have a look around with permission to take pictures even though the hall was closed to the public. The staff felt that my reason for visiting the hall was reason enough to be granted access. Unfortunatley I could only access some of the ground floor due to an employer being on holiday who could disarm the alarms and was also better informed about the hall etc. I have been asked to book with him another visit in a few weeks to have a full tour and gets some more research done.

There is a link to the hall's website and the photo's I took for research above.